If you’re at a loss as to what to make for dinner, why not give this a go? It’s something different and is one the whole family will adore.
This takes about 10 – 15 minutes to make – the longest part is grilling the bacon – but the end product is so good that no-one will ever know it only took you a few minutes to make.
This recipe serves one – just double up as needed.

125g packaged gnocchi
2 tablespoons cream
15g parmesan, grated
2 – 3 slices of centre cut bacon (or streaky bacon, regular bacon or even prosciutto / parma ham if this is what you have)
- Heat the grill to 200 degrees Celsius. Line a baking tray with tin foil, lay the bacon flat on the tray and cook under the grill (on the highest shelf) for 8 – 10 minutes, until nice and golden and crispy. Turn the bacon half way through cooking. Set the bacon aside for now. If using a different kind of bacon / prosciutto – cooking time may be a little different so just keep an eye on it – prosciutto will be quicker while regular bacon could be longer. Streaky bacon should be the same.).
- While the bacon is cooking, bring a large pot of salted water to the boil.
- While you’re waiting for the water to boil, add the cream to a small pot and heat over a low – medium heat. Grate the parmesan and set aside.
- When the water starts to boil, throw in the gnocchi. You will know they are ready when they all float to the top of the water – this takes roughly 2 minutes.
- When the gnocchi are ready, remove with a slotted spoon and add to the pot with the cream. Add one tablespoon of the cooking water to the cream and mix in the parmesan. Stir together and season with salt and pepper. Add another little bit of the cooking water if you want a slightly less thick sauce – this is totally based on your preference. Leave to bubble gently for a minute or two to thicken.
- Spoon the gnocchi and parmesan cream sauce onto a plate. Crumble over the bacon. You can whizz up the bacon in a blender or food processor if you want bacon ‘dust’ – but I like to do this by hand and have larger pieces of bacon rubble – and less washing up.